Hypnosis for Anxiety and Stress

Freeing yourself from stress and anxiety through hypnosis is possible. Hypnosis to heal anxiety has become a transformative technique over the last decade. It is a tool that will help you find calm and well-being, even in moments of chaos. A peaceful, calmer life is within reach.

How Does Hypnosis Work for Anxiety and Stress?

Hypnosis for anxiety addresses internal agitation and stress at the root. By accessing the subconscious, this technique allows you to identify and transform negative thoughts and events that trigger anxiety responses, replacing them with more adaptive and functional thought patterns.

This process allows your mind to reprogram the meanings previously assigned to such events. It helps the subconscious to generate healthy responses that promote a sense of control and balance in situations that once triggered anxiety and stress.

During an anxiety hypnosis session, the therapist guides you into a trance state, making your mind more receptive to positive suggestions and reprogramming negative thought patterns. This, in turn, fosters a lasting sense of calm and well-being in your daily life.

Benefits of Hypnosis for Anxiety and Stress


Now that you understand how hypnosis for anxiety works, here are the countless benefits hypnosis offers in alleviating stress and anxiety in daily life. Unlike conventional approaches, hypnosis works directly with the power of the subconscious mind, addressing the deep roots of these emotional challenges.

One of the main benefits of hypnotherapy for anxiety and stress is its ability to induce a state of deep relaxation, which offers immense relief to minds used to living in a constant state of tension.

Beyond relieving physical and mental tension, hypnosis helps uncover and address the underlying causes of stress and anxiety. Often, these challenges are rooted in limiting beliefs, past traumas, or learned behavior patterns. Hypnosis allows you to explore these areas of the subconscious mind, facilitating profound, effective, and lasting relief from these emotional burdens.

Another key benefit of hypnosis is its holistic approach to treating stress and anxiety. Instead of merely alleviating surface symptoms, hypnosis addresses the individual as a whole, promoting lasting emotional and mental balance—even in stressful situations. This may include visualization techniques, mindful breathing, and positive affirmations designed to strengthen emotional resilience and improve coping skills.

Additionally, hypnosis is a safe, non-invasive treatment option for stress and anxiety, without the negative side effects associated with some medications. It is an ideal choice for those seeking a natural and effective alternative to manage their emotional well-being.

In summary, hypnosis offers a unique pathway to relieve stress and anxiety by addressing their underlying causes and promoting lasting emotional balance. If you are struggling with these challenges, consider hypnosis as a powerful tool to regain your emotional well-being and lead a more fulfilling life.

What Do My Anxiety Hypnosis Sessions Involve?


My anxiety hypnosis sessions are an inner journey toward emotional well-being. By combining proven techniques with a personalized approach, I will guide you through a deep transformation process to release the burdens of stress and anxiety from your life.

Each session begins with an individualized consultation to explore your specific concerns, challenges, and goals. This initial phase is crucial to understand your unique needs and to design a tailored treatment plan for you.

In the hypnosis sessions themselves, I will guide you into a state of deep relaxation and mental receptivity. Using positive suggestions, guided visualizations, and breathing techniques, I will help you reach a hypnotic trance state, where your subconscious mind becomes more receptive to change and transformation.

As we progress, we will work together to identify and address the root causes of your anxiety. This may involve exploring negative thought patterns, releasing repressed emotions, or reprogramming limiting beliefs.

Additionally, I will teach you practical tools and self-care exercises to integrate into your daily life to help maintain calm and serenity. These anxiety hypnosis exercises range from mindfulness practices to developing positive affirmations, equipping you to cultivate a resilient mindset.

Types of Anxiety Hypnosis I Offer


Hypnosis for Anxiety and Fears

These hypnosis sessions for anxiety and fears provide a safe space where I will guide you toward calm and confidence. Using specialized techniques, I will help you identify which stimuli trigger your fear response so we can address the root causes of your panic attacks and/or anxiety.

Through relaxation exercises and suggestions, we will train your mind to reframe those triggering events. We will guide the subconscious to generate adaptive responses of calm and balance, giving you a sense of control and safety that makes you feel secure from any danger.

Discover the power of hypnosis to transform your life today!

Hypnosis for Emotional Eating

Hypnosis techniques will help you break free from emotional eating. In a supportive and trusting environment, I will guide you to identify and transform the roots of the anxiety that lead you to overeat or eat compulsively.

Once we identify the stimuli that lead you to compulsive eating, we will use suggestions to replace the response to eat with activities that are mentally engaging and beneficial for your well-being.

Heal your relationship with food and achieve lasting balance!

Hypnosis for Anxiety and Insomnia

Hypnosis for anxiety and insomnia utilizes specialized techniques to help you find calm and improve the quality of your sleep. We begin by identifying the underlying causes of your anxiety and the thought patterns contributing to insomnia.

Through suggestions and visualizations, we will reprogram the thoughts and emotions that trigger an anxious response at bedtime, helping you achieve a state of mind conducive to deep, restful sleep.

I will also teach you breathing and relaxation techniques that you can incorporate into your daily life to reduce stress and improve sleep quality. In this way, you can learn to manage anxiety more effectively and enjoy restorative and rejuvenating sleep.

Together, we can overcome this challenge and help you regain your quality of life.

Pricing for Hypnosis Sessions for Anxiety:


Individual Hypnosis for Anxiety Process: £85
Discount Package (3 Sessions): £225

Looking for a Hypnosis Session for Anxiety and Stress? Contact Me


Feeling blocked by anxiety and stress? Let me guide you to the calm and balance your mind needs with a personalized hypnosis session.
I’m here to help you find the relief you deserve.

    Opiniones de mis sesiones de hipnoterapia


    Mi nombre es María y quiero agradecer profundamente a Beatriz el trabajo de hipnosis que ha hecho conmigo desde que llegué a quitarme la ansiedad y el estrés con el que vivía.

    Desde que comencé las sesiones con ella, mi vida ha dado un giro positivo que nunca creí que podria conseguir. 

    Mis niveles de ansiedad controlaban cada aspecto de mi vida. Mis días eran un torbellino de preocupaciones constantes, que afectaban a mi cuerpo y ni hablemos de mi mente. Cada día era una batalla que siempre acababa perdiendo. 

    Pero desde la primera charla con ella, en la que me explicó para qué sirve la hipnoterapia, empece a sentir alivio, como si las cosas pudieran empezar a cambiar. Y ya después de la segunda sesión sentía una tranquilidad que hacía muchísimo tiempo no podía sentir. 

    La ansiedad ya no gobierna mi vida. Me siento más tranquila, equilibrada y capaz de enfrentar momentos de estrés con calma y claridad.

    No puedo decir más que cualquier persona que quiera mejorar su calidad de vida, busque la guía y el apoyo de esta pedazo de profesional. 

    Eternamente agradecida 

    Me llamo Javier y quiero recomendar a Beatriz como hipnoterapeuta porque he vivido una de las experiencias más increíbles de mi vida con ella. Sé que ella se dedica a la salud mental, pero yo lo único que necesitaba era dejar de fumar. Soy fumador desde hace 40 años y he probado de todo, incluido la hipnosis anteriormente. Pero nada me había funcionado hasta que la conocí. 

    Fui muy escéptico e incluso desagradable cuando la contacté. Me costaba creer que estuviera tan segura de que podía ayudarme. 

    Aún así me puse en sus manos. Y antes de empezar con la hipnosis hicimos un trabajo precioso pero muy duro a la vez. Visitando experiencias y situaciones que tenía bloqueadas y  que me estaban impidiendo vivir una vida digna. 

    Hoy, no sólo soy libre del tabaco gracias a la  hipnosis. Sino que me siento más fuerte y más seguro de mí mismo que nunca antes.

    Hoy, estoy feliz de decir que soy libre del tabaco. Pero sobre todo libre de esa carga emocional de la culpa y el miedo con la que he cargado durante toda mi vida. 

    Beatriz no solo me ayudó a dejar de fumar, sino a empezar una nueva vida.