I hold a degree in Psychology from UCM in Madrid, and I am a PCC Certified Executive and Team Coach by ICF. Additionally, I have worked for 17 years in Human Resources departments of multinational companies and small businesses, leading multidisciplinary teams in areas such as training, recruitment, personnel administration, and internal communication.

This career path has allowed me to study human behavior within organizations from various perspectives and has given me the opportunity to work as a professional development coach with different profiles in a wide range of situations and specific cases.

Since then, I have continuously supported individuals in their professional journeys. It is incredible how a change in one area of your life, such as your career, can positively impact others; extending the results to your family, social life, and daily routines.



Professional coaching is a learning process where the professional development coach will lead the conversation through powerful questions that help you become aware of the real blocks you may be experiencing. Additionally, they will assist you in discovering your strengths and how to leverage them to overcome those blocks.

Moreover, coaching is an exercise in freedom, allowing you to implement your own action plans in a manner that suits you best. The coach will not tell you what or how to do things; rather, they will help you discover the approach that fits you best and thus provides the greatest success.
This is the most interesting aspect of a professional coaching process, as it encourages you to delve into your self-awareness. The professional development coach will continually challenge you to be honest and compassionate with yourself, allowing you to discover who you really are—without judgments or labels that separate you from recognizing how brilliant you are and the potential you have at your disposal.
In summary, the professional coaching process will help you discover and connect with all your potential and strengths so you can put them to use. From this awareness of who you truly are, you can build the right attitude to face your challenges and overcome obstacles along the way.



The most important lesson I have learned through my experience in Human Resources departments, which I want to share with you, is that everyone—when I say everyone, I mean every human being—faces the same types of problems and possesses the same unlimited potential to solve them. The only differences are the character and specific situations of each person, but everything else is essentially the same.

This means that an area director experiences the same fears, uncertainties, and resistances as any other employee, whether it’s the janitor, engineer, or accountant. They also possess exactly the same resilience, strength, intelligence, and empathy to overcome adversity and continue growing in every area of their lives, including professionally.

The way each individual faces challenges is fundamentally the same. It can be approached in a healthy and nourishing manner, asking for help when they can’t handle it alone, accepting their weaknesses, and recognizing their strengths.

Conversely, it can also stem from pressure, self-demand, fear of others discovering they are not enough, and self-sabotage.

This is the primary difference between those who succeed and those who feel they fail; it’s about how they work internally to confront life.

That’s why having support during professional coaching processes is crucial when you sense that something isn’t working well in this area of your life. A professional coaching process will allow you to uncover the true block that might be preventing you from achieving what you want, while also making you aware of how limitless your potential is to serve you.

The situations in which you might need a coaching process can vary widely; here are some of the most common:

  • Internal promotion
  • Seeking new job opportunities
  • Bullying or workplace harassment
  • Career planning
  • Change in professional trajectory
  • Development of leadership skills, team management, conflict resolution, and/or time management.
  • Communication and/or feedback issues



The main benefits you will gain when working with a personal development coach include:

Understanding different communication styles and their purposes, enabling you to establish relationships more efficiently with your superiors, colleagues, and peers.
Empowering yourself with language to gain respect from others and foster collaboration within your team.
Setting healthy boundaries that ensure a clear delineation of responsibilities within your role.
Reinforcing your commitment to yourself to focus on what you truly want to achieve without falling into self-demand and perfectionism.
Increasing your respect for yourself and your work, which will help you stop seeking external validation and concentrate on enhancing your internal value, allowing you to recognize your true worth.
Gaining confidence and autonomy in decision-making.
Developing skills to manage conflicts equitably without emotional burnout.

Specialized Coaching Services for Professionals


Coaching for Healthcare Professionals

Coaching for healthcare professionals is a support process that will not only allow you to grow personally and professionally but also provides more specific and holistic support for those working in the healthcare field. This is aimed at addressing any daily challenges that may be testing your confidence and self-esteem. Focusing on developing your strengths will help you regain clarity and confidence, enabling you to make decisions more efficiently and swiftly.

Healthcare professionals face numerous daily challenges that can sometimes compromise their security and self-confidence. Therefore, the fundamental goal of a professional coaching process is to help you learn to manage your challenges responsibly, without carrying the burdens of others. This way, you can emerge stronger and use each day to improve your version of yourself.

Healthcare professionals may particularly benefit from coaching processes to ensure effective performance in the next steps of their action plans. Moreover, you will learn to explore new and better options with clarity, allowing you to take action with your confidence and personal power.
The method involves defining the starting point, the goal you wish to achieve, and then outlining the action plan to reach it. This includes evaluating the resources you have, the resources you need, and how to obtain them.

Coaching for Educators

Coaching for education professionals is aimed at anyone wanting to learn how to motivate and enhance the capabilities of students within the educational field.
This coaching process aims to foster growth and learning based on experiential methodologies, seeking solutions through self-reflections that promote cognitive and emotional changes in education professionals. This approach empowers them to tackle their daily work from a more responsible and empowered position.
Educational coaching aims to enhance growth and learning. It is a process where solutions are sought among students and teachers through questions that promote reflection and self-knowledge to facilitate cognitive and emotional changes in individuals.
A personal development coach is focused on helping you succeed not only in your daily tasks as a teacher and/or mentor but also in making a change that affects your attitude toward daily work. This enables you to face challenges with clarity and confidence, facilitating the achievement of your professional objectives without negatively impacting your personal life—in fact, strengthening it.
This process will help you strengthen your leadership skills in the educational environment and with your teams. This space for professional learning and growth will significantly impact your performance, as it will bolster your leadership and self-management skills within educational institutions.
Other benefits that a professional development coach can provide in the educational sector include:

  • Gaining personal and professional development tools using leadership methodologies and practical experiential learning.
  • Focusing on change and innovation-based learning in the classroom to increase students’ frustration tolerance and adaptability to constant change.

    Coaching fees for professionals


    Coaching Fees for Professionals: £75

    Are You Looking for a Professional Coach?


    The relationship you maintain with others reflects the relationship you have with yourself. This means that your personal and professional facets are not separate; your professional role is an extension of your relationship with yourself. Therefore, it is crucial to seek external help when there is an aspect of your career that you need to work on to achieve what you truly want.

    If you find yourself in this situation, do not hesitate to contact me. I would be delighted to be your professional development coach, guiding you in achieving your goals through the techniques and tools that have helped me achieve my own.