I hold a degree in Psychology and am certified in Executive and Team Coaching from the “Lider-haz-go” School, where I currently facilitate its online training programs.Despite my studies in Psychology, Coaching, and Mindfulness, I spent many years with the pressing question of why, even after undergoing therapy, we human beings continue to encounter the same obstacles repeatedly. In other words, why do we repeat the same behavior patterns that are often the source of our suffering?
After years of research and in-depth study on how the subconscious works, I discovered that it stores 90% of the information guiding our existence. Therefore, if we don’t access the subconscious to reprogram the information that prompts these patterns, we will continually return to the same starting point.
This led me to study ThetaHealing®, Kinesiology, and energy activation to shift my focus towards a spiritual and energy-based approach, providing long-term personal transformation results.
Only through this type of therapy, which operates at the subconscious level, will you learn to love yourself and believe in yourself. This process will allow you to connect with your true essence and give yourself permission to be and do what you truly want in every moment. It ensures that every choice is right for you and your growth, as you gain clarity and confidence in decision-making. You’ll no longer worry about what others think or feel about you, allowing you to focus on what truly nourishes your soul and helps you achieve your goals, rather than fulfilling the objectives others may have chosen for you.
What is Spiritual and Energy Healing Therapy?
Only 10% of our decisions are made at the conscious level; however, approximately 90% come from our subconscious mind. Science has shown how the subconscious prepares us seconds before making a decision, revealing how it constantly influences our lives by accumulating beliefs based on our experiences.
These subconscious beliefs either empower or disempower us. Through this spiritual and energy-based therapy, you’ll discover how to change and transform any limiting beliefs you may have, helping you develop a winning mindset—one that is unafraid, self-assured, and trusts both in itself and in life. This will lead to a fuller life with more peace and less suffering.
This type of therapy is conducted through ThetaHealing®, Kinesiology, and energy activations. Through this energy recalibration and mental reprogramming therapy, you’ll accelerate your results toward achieving your goals without additional effort or work.
Types of Energy Healing Therapy I Offer
Healing Energy Therapies
The most common issues addressed in energy healing therapies include:
- Healthy Boundaries
Are you easily affected by the emotions and words of people around you? Do you find yourself influenced by others’ energy? This therapy will help you identify the subconscious belief that is negatively impacting your relationships, helping you address the underlying issue so you can live without feeling inferior or submissive, with a newfound sense of power and strength.
Este terapia de ayudará a descubrir cuál es la creencia en tu subconsciente que está afectando negativamente a la dinámica de tus relaciones. Lo que te ayudará a resolver el problema que subyace y puedas continuar tu vida sin sentirte inferior y sometido a los demás. Con un sentimiento de poder y fortaleza, como nunca antes has experimentado.
- Trauma
Anxiety, depression, fear, guilt, deep sadness, resentment, confusion, or emotional numbness—all these may result from conscious or unconscious trauma originating from an intense or shocking experience in the past.
This therapy will help you find the root cause of the issue and heal it, allowing you to live with the peace and love that already reside within you.
- Relationships
Many of us struggle to establish healthy, nourishing relationships and often fall into the trap of overcompensating or giving too much of ourselves to others in order to feel accepted, sometimes at our own expense. This can even lead to abusive or dependent relationships.
With this therapy, you’ll be able to break the cycle in your relationships and experience healthier, lasting connections from a place of wholeness and enjoyment.
- Abundance and Prosperity
Do you often underestimate your abilities and autonomy when it comes to financial and success-related decisions? Do you feel it’s a constant struggle to progress in business or achieve financial stability? Does debt-free living seem out of reach?
Energy healing therapy will help you identify the limiting beliefs at the root of your financial or professional issues, allowing you to transform them into positive beliefs through mental reprogramming. This will enable you to build a success mindset based on balance, enjoyment, and inner peace, creating new professional and financial opportunities in your life.

Emotional Energy Therapy
Emotional energy therapy is intended for anyone who feels a lack of interest in life, struggles to find motivation, or finds it difficult to enjoy existence. Emotions like sorrow, anger, guilt, and fear may be a constant presence.
Perhaps you’ve experienced a series of events, or even a single intense event, that caused significant stress or negative impact, leading to emotional collapse. As a result, you may find it challenging to manage emotions that remain trapped in your body and mind, hindering your ability to live a normal life.
With this therapy, you’ll experience a gradual, compassionate healing process, filled with understanding, love, and compassion, allowing you to heal any trauma or emotional shortfall resulting from past experiences. Healing occurs through mental reprogramming and the transformation of limiting beliefs your subconscious developed as protection against future suffering. Results from this therapy, based on ThetaHealing®, are immediate. Through connection with your brain’s theta and gamma waves, you’ll access the creative energy that forms you, resulting in instant, long-lasting healing as you work on the deepest level of your being, offering irreversible results.
Alternative Energy Therapies
These alternative therapies are designed to address conscious or unconscious blockages, such as fear, resistance, or avoidance, that may be preventing you from achieving the life you desire.
Alternative energy therapy addresses blocks that hold you back from taking specific actions to achieve your goals. Examples include:
- Weight Loss: If you’ve been dieting your whole life but still haven’t maintained your desired weight.
- Finding or Sustaining Healthy Relationships: If you haven’t experienced a relationship where you feel valued or find yourself drawn to partners who aren’t a good fit.
- Overcoming Breakups or Loss: If you struggle to move on from a breakup or loss and experience obsessive thoughts about that person or situation.
- Bullying or Workplace Harassment: If you’ve been enduring unjust or inappropriate treatment but don’t feel comfortable speaking up or setting healthy boundaries.
Each situation shares a common factor—a block preventing progress in your physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual development. Through this therapy, we access the root of the blockage and transform it positively using Kinesiology and energy activations. You’ll transform any fear, resistance, or trauma, allowing you to release your full potential and channel it into daily life and your goals, whatever their nature may be.
Benefits of Spiritual and Energy Response Therapy
Establishing healthy boundaries that protect you energetically from any external threats
Spiritual and Energy Therapy Consultation Fees
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