Beatriz Soria Hurtado
Psychotherapist, Transformative Coach & Tethahealing practitionerWHO AM I?
I am passionate about human development and transformation, firmly convinced that nothing is impossible to achieve, no matter how daunting it may seem.
I have never stopped studying the human condition; I can’t remember a time in my life without observing and analyzing people’s behavior. I have always had strong intuition and a unique ability to read others, which drives me to listen, understand, and connect with them on a deeper level.
I hold a degree in Psychology and am certified in Executive and Team Coaching from the “Lider-haz-go” School, where I am now a facilitator for their online training programs.
This training gave me a holistic view of the human being, allowing me to work with clients through language, body, and emotional dimensions. With Team Coaching, I further developed my skills to work with family and couple dynamics, providing tools to improve functionality and transform existing dynamics into healthier, more productive ones.
Despite my studies in Psychology, Coaching, and Mindfulness, I spent years seeking a deeper understanding of why people, even after therapy, repeatedly encounter the same obstacles—or why we often repeat the same behavioral patterns that fuel our suffering.
There are very few struggles I can’t help others to transcend, as I’ve experienced many of them myself.
I faced bullying in my childhood, felt alone and inferior, made mistakes, harbored anger, struggled with self-worth, spent years in an unfulfilling job, and allowed others to make choices on my behalf.
After years of reading and research, I dove deeply into understanding how the subconscious works, which provided many of the answers I had been searching for. With 90% of the information driving our lives stored in the subconscious, reprogramming it is essential to release patterns that bring us back to square one repeatedly.
This was the turning point in my life when I began healing and overcoming childhood traumas and the existential crises they had created. The transformation was so powerful that I left behind everything that was no longer serving me to pursue my dreams fully.
You may be wondering, what was my dream?
Well, my dream was to be able to write these words to you today and tell you: YES! It is possible; I have made it, and you can too. To share that five years ago, I started working full-time on my own business to help people, like I once was, who feel lost, struggle with self-love, or lack a genuine sense of meaning in life.
Being a dreamer, my vision also included reaching as many people as possible. That’s why I live in the United Kingdom, where I continue to fulfill my dreams while constantly growing and learning to support others on their path to evolution.
Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology from Complutense University of Madrid
Transformational Coach (Personal and Executive)
Hypnotherapist, Past Life Regression Therapist, Inner Child Therapist, Trauma Specialist
ThetaHealing Practitioner
Facilitator for online Coaching programs at "Lider-haz-go!" School
Hypnotherapist, Past Life Regression Therapist, Inner Child Therapist, Trauma Specialist
I have led Human Resources departments for over 15 years, starting in recruitment and training before managing teams. Since 2011, I have been a facilitator in Executive Coaching training programs with “Lider-haz-go!” – the same year I earned my certification at the school. Currently, I am preparing to teach Hypnotherapy and Regression Therapy.
As a training expert, I specialize in empowering executive and sales teams in areas such as leadership, effective communication, team dynamics, high-performance development, change management, conflict resolution, and career planning. I also guide entrepreneurs and small businesses through the creation and successful launch of their ventures.
For 12 years, I have dedicated myself to transformational therapy and coaching with individuals and couples, balancing this work alongside my corporate career. Five years ago, I launched my therapy and personal development business, to which I now devote myself full-time.
Having lived in various European countries, I now reside in the United Kingdom, where I continue my growth in the fields of Training and Mental Health.