Holistic Therapy

Therapy Focused on Achieving Results at All Levels and in Every Area of Your Life, Equipping You with Tools for Both Short- and Long-Term Application.

What is Holistic Therapy?


The meaning of holistic therapy implies working with the human being from all its dimensions.

This involves an initial deep journey of self-discovery, where you will understand once and for all what your unmet needs are and the behavioral patterns you have developed to address these needs. Through this discovery, you will become aware of why and for what reason you repeat certain patterns, allowing you to begin working on the internal change you need to abandon those patterns that limit your life.

The reasons that bring you to a therapeutic process can be very varied.

These reasons are often expressed in multiple ways, such as: I’m not happy, I’m not satisfied with my job, I have bad experiences in love, I have everything I want but I’m not satisfied with my life, I can’t go on like this, I’m scared, I don’t know how to be alone, etc.

This translates into discomfort that blocks the normal functioning of the person’s life.

The common denominators in these situations often include:
Absence of self-love


Lack of self-confidence and trust in life
Distortions in self-concept caused by past experiences




The therapeutic process consists of:

Exploring how these aspects affect your current problematic situation and their relationship to events in your past.
A process of self-discovery and self-understanding that allows for the detection of behavioral tendencies that cause blockage.
Identification and transformation of dysfunctional behavior patterns.
Application of tools to integrate new behavior patterns that will provide you with a healthy life and a healthy relationship with yourself and your surrounding environment.
Follow-up on the use of tools and new habits acquired during the process in all areas of your daily life.
Guidelines for continuous improvement and consolidation of long-term transformation.

Types of Holistic Therapy I Offer

Holistic therapies can vary depending on the types of tools applied during the process.


Integral Holistic Therapy

In integral holistic therapy, we will work on a physical, intellectual, and emotional level, focusing on all three levels.

The first level is the mind, allowing the person to understand all the processes and patterns they are experiencing. The openness to transformation and/or healing can only occur when the mind understands what, why, and for what purpose these processes happen.

Once the person understands what needs they are trying to meet with the behavioral patterns they have acquired throughout their life, it becomes easier for them to begin using tools to meet those needs healthily.

The second level shifts to emotionality, meaning how those behaviors and the results obtained from them affect the individual, and which negative emotions are triggered first. Each person has a specific emotion associated with their critical moments.

Once these emotions are identified, various techniques are employed to transform them into positive ones and turn them into allies for continued progress in the process.

The third level is the body, a crucial piece in the process for deeply integrating the changes occurring in the previous levels.

The body is often overlooked in therapeutic work; however, it is essential to facilitate the release of traumas and negative emotions that have accumulated throughout life in order to extend the results of therapy in the long term.

Spiritual holistic therapy

Spiritual holistic therapy is conducted through the Theta Healing technique, which involves deep subconscious work, where the person will discover the beliefs blocking them from having a healthy and abundant life, which behavioral patterns provoke those beliefs, what needs they are trying to meet with those unhealthy patterns, and even what secondary benefits they are obtaining from their limiting beliefs.

It is important to understand that individuals act based on interests. Thus, it is essential to discover what interests and benefits are derived from unhealthy behaviors in order to provide them with tools that will replace erratic behaviors with new, healthy patterns that will form the foundation of their new life.

One of the most critical processes in this therapy at a spiritual level involves working on self-love, respect, and the ability to value oneself and assert oneself to others.
If the person does not work towards loving, respecting, and prioritizing themselves above anything or anyone else in the world, the therapeutic work will not take place in the medium and long term, as they will fall back into behaviors that seek to please others before themselves.
Additionally, specific work will be done on the inner child through critical incidents that may have occurred during childhood. By addressing the specific event and connecting with the inner child experiencing the event at that moment, we can reprogram and transform the distorted way the child processed that experience, thereby healing the traumatic experience and all internal conflicts arising from it.

Benefits of Holistic Therapy

The main advantage of holistic therapies is the ability to access all those limiting beliefs residing in the subconscious, which constitutes 90% of what happens in our lives, allowing for their transformation into positive beliefs that foster personal evolution and growth at all levels and in every area of life.

Holistic therapy involves working deeply with the subconscious, where information is stored in the form of limiting beliefs.

These limiting beliefs are responsible for repeating the same unhealthy and even toxic patterns over and over again.

Through this therapy, we will transform this information into positive beliefs aligned with your true essence, enabling you to embark on a new life filled with self-love and self-respect, allowing you to set healthy boundaries, make your own decisions with confidence and security, and become unaffected and unblocked by what others may think of you.

Pricing for Holistic Therapy Sessions


Holistic Therapy Rate: £90

Are You Looking for a Holistic Therapist?


It was at that moment in my life that I began to heal and overcome all my childhood traumas and existential crises arising from them.

The change was so powerful that I left behind everything that harmed me and started working to fulfill my dream.

You might be wondering what my dreams were. Well, my dream was to be able to write you these words today and say: YES! It’s possible; I did it, and you can too.

I can tell you that four and a half years ago, I began working full-time in my own business to help people like I once was, who are lost, don’t love themselves, or don’t know what’s happening to them but can’t find true meaning in life.

Being a dreamer, my dream included reaching as many people as possible. That’s why I live in the UK—to also do it in English.

Where I continue fulfilling dreams and training every day to accompany more people on their evolutionary journey.

If you are looking for therapy that works at all levels of your being and in every area of your life, don’t hesitate to contact me to assess your particular situation. This way, you can verify for yourself if the therapy aligns with you.

I graduated in Psychology and certified in Executive and Team Coaching at the “Lider-haz-go” School, where I am currently a facilitator for their online training programs.

Thanks to this training, I have gained a holistic view of the human being, allowing me to work with individuals from the dimensions of language, body, and emotion.

Despite my studies in Psychology, Coaching, and Mindfulness, I spent many years wondering why humans, even after undergoing therapy, continue to encounter the same obstacles time and again—or, in other words, why we repeat the same behavioral patterns that are often the source of our suffering.

After years of reading and study, I began to investigate deeply how the subconscious works, which provided me with many of the keys I had been seeking. It is here where 90% of the information that directs our existence resides. Therefore, if we do not access the subconscious to reprogram the information that incites us to activate those patterns, we will repeatedly return to the starting point.

There are very few things I cannot help you transcend that I haven’t experienced myself; I suffered bullying in my childhood, felt lonely and inferior to others, made mistakes, was very angry with life, didn’t love myself enough, was trapped in an unhappy job for a long time, and allowed others to choose for me.

    Reviews of My Holistic Therapy Sessions


    Roxana M. Liverpool

    Meeting Beatriz has marked a turning point in my life.

    I just needed to read a little of the heading on her website to feel she was the person who would help me rise from the depths of the pit where I felt I had hit rock bottom.

    Today, three months later, I can even look back and appreciate the change and progress I’ve made. I never would have imagined that in such a short time, I could understand so many things, change beliefs, and discover how my thoughts guide me, etc.
    All thanks to her and holistic therapy, which has helped me have the will to change and maintain constant effort. Forever grateful and always in the process of learning.

    M. R Warrington

    Before meeting Beatriz, I didn’t understand the meaning of holistic therapy, but just one session was enough to understand what it means to work on every dimension of your being and how each one is connected to the others.

    It’s the most complete and effective therapy I’ve ever done. Thank you so much for everything you help me with and inspire me to do in each of our sessions.

    No one ever said healing our wounds would be easy, but with you, it is—because you’re the best companion for going deep into my own self.

    H.P Manchester

    I met Beatriz thanks to a close friend who recommended her.

    I had tried other psychologists before, but I never managed to connect with them, or it wasn’t the kind of therapy I needed at the time.

    Working with her is a pleasure; she makes me feel very comfortable, and I feel that I’ve grown in many areas that I wasn’t even aware could improve. Now, I’m the one recommending her to my friends.

    It’s amazing how much your life improves with each limiting belief you work through. And that’s precisely the meaning of holistic therapy: the ability to transfer what you’ve learned to any area of your life.